Upgrade Students has developed inspirational messages that coach young people to achieve their highest dreams both academically now and for their future aspirations. Z The Ultimate Test Score challenges student's to strive for the best academic achievement possible for themselves. The message revolves, not around competition with fellow classmates as much as pushing one's limit's to improve their academic experience in their particular season in life. The traditional grading scale improves in reverse order. The letter F being the least desired grade, then the letter D, then the letter C, then the letter B, and eventually a student reaches the grade status of A. Upgrade does not believe in grade limit caps as it pertains to the "concept" of self-challenge. Upgrade believes the sky is the limit. When the A grade limit has been pushed, the grade on the other side is Z. A student achieves a Z when they have pushed themselves to their highest potential and not given up on their dreams. Z is a personal grade achievement.